The Institute of Psychosis Therapy (“Institut for Psykoseterapi”) was founded in 1999 by senior consultant Francisco Alberdi and associate professor Susanne Harder. Hereby, for the first time in Denmark an education in psychosis psychotherapy for professional therapists was established.
In the following 10 years, the Institute conducted four 2-year training courses for psychologists, doctors and other health professionals. Francisco Alberdi and Susanne Harder were educational managers and teachers and took care also of all organizational and practical tasks regarding the courses. A large number of Danish and international specialists contributed as guest lecturers.

In 2012 after some years of inactivity, the institute – by initiative of ISPS-Denmark – was revitalized, and a new adjusted and updated training course was launched. Since then six 2-year courses have been completed.

Our next course begins in January 2025.

Institute of Psychosis Therapy is an independent organization, that works in collaboration with - but economically and practically independently from - ISPS-Denmark (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis). Institute of Psychosis Therapy also cooperates with the Department of Psychology at the University of Copenhagen and with Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark.